extends TileMap @export var map_width = 13 # keep to a odd value @export var map_height = 19 # keep to a odd value func _ready(): draw_map() func draw_map(): draw_ground() draw_separation() get_random_top_cell() func draw_ground(): for x in range(map_width): for y in range(map_height): set_cell(0, Vector2i(x, y), 0, Vector2i(0, 0), 0) # The tilemap is initially divided in two section # One for the player (bottom section) # One for the enemy (top section) func draw_separation(): var middle_height = floor(map_height / 2.0) for x in range(map_width): set_cell(1, Vector2i(x - 1, middle_height - 1), 1, Vector2i(0, 0), 0) # why have we to add -1? func get_top_spawn_cell() -> Vector2i: return Vector2i(floor(map_width / 2.0), 1) func get_bottom_spawn_cell() -> Vector2i: return Vector2i(floor(map_width / 2.0), map_height - 2) func get_random_top_cell() -> Vector2i: var middle_height = floor(map_height / 2.0) var rand_width = randi_range(0, map_width - 1) var rand_height = randi_range(0, middle_height - 1) #set_cell(0, Vector2i(rand_width, rand_height), 1, Vector2i(0, 0), 0) return Vector2i(rand_width, rand_height)