@tool extends GraphEdit const BeehaveGraphNode := preload("graph_node.gd") const HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_ICON := preload("icons/horizontal_layout.svg") const VERTICAL_LAYOUT_ICON := preload("icons/vertical_layout.svg") const PROGRESS_SHIFT: int = 50 const INACTIVE_COLOR: Color = Color("#898989aa") const ACTIVE_COLOR: Color = Color("#ffcc00c8") const SUCCESS_COLOR: Color = Color("#009944c8") var updating_graph: bool = false var arraging_nodes: bool = false var beehave_tree: Dictionary: set(value): if beehave_tree == value: return beehave_tree = value active_nodes.clear() _update_graph() var horizontal_layout: bool = false: set(value): if updating_graph or arraging_nodes: return if horizontal_layout == value: return horizontal_layout = value _update_layout_button() _update_graph() var active_nodes: Array[String] var progress: int = 0 var layout_button: Button func _ready() -> void: custom_minimum_size = Vector2(100, 300) arrange_nodes_button_hidden = true minimap_enabled = false layout_button = Button.new() layout_button.flat = true layout_button.focus_mode = Control.FOCUS_NONE layout_button.pressed.connect(func(): horizontal_layout = not horizontal_layout) get_zoom_hbox().add_child(layout_button) _update_layout_button() func _update_graph() -> void: if updating_graph: return updating_graph = true clear_connections() for child in get_children(): remove_child(child) child.queue_free() if not beehave_tree.is_empty(): _add_nodes(beehave_tree) _connect_nodes(beehave_tree) _arrange_nodes.call_deferred(beehave_tree) updating_graph = false func _add_nodes(node: Dictionary) -> void: if node.is_empty(): return var gnode := BeehaveGraphNode.new(horizontal_layout) add_child(gnode) gnode.title_text = node.name gnode.name = node.id gnode.icon = _get_icon(node.type.back()) if node.type.has(&"BeehaveTree"): gnode.set_slots(false, true) elif node.type.has(&"Leaf"): gnode.set_slots(true, false) elif node.type.has(&"Composite") or node.type.has(&"Decorator"): gnode.set_slots(true, true) for child in node.get("children", []): _add_nodes(child) func _connect_nodes(node: Dictionary) -> void: for child in node.get("children", []): connect_node(node.id, 0, child.id, 0) _connect_nodes(child) func _arrange_nodes(node: Dictionary) -> void: if arraging_nodes: return arraging_nodes = true var tree_node := _create_tree_nodes(node) tree_node.update_positions(horizontal_layout) _place_nodes(tree_node) arraging_nodes = false func _create_tree_nodes(node: Dictionary, root: TreeNode = null) -> TreeNode: var tree_node := TreeNode.new(get_node(node.id), root) for child in node.get("children", []): var child_node := _create_tree_nodes(child, tree_node) tree_node.children.push_back(child_node) return tree_node func _place_nodes(node: TreeNode) -> void: node.item.position_offset = Vector2(node.x, node.y) for child in node.children: _place_nodes(child) func _get_icon(type: StringName) -> Texture2D: var classes := ProjectSettings.get_global_class_list() for c in classes: if c["class"] == type: var icon_path := c.get("icon", String()) if not icon_path.is_empty(): return load(icon_path) return null func get_status(status: int) -> String: if status == 0: return "SUCCESS" elif status == 1: return "FAILURE" return "RUNNING" func process_begin(instance_id: int) -> void: if not _is_same_tree(instance_id): return for child in get_children(): child.set_meta("status", -1) func process_tick(instance_id: int, status: int) -> void: var node := get_node_or_null(str(instance_id)) if node: node.text = "Status: %s" % get_status(status) node.set_status(status) node.set_meta("status", status) if status == 0 or status == 2: if not active_nodes.has(node.name): active_nodes.push_back(node.name) func process_end(instance_id: int) -> void: if not _is_same_tree(instance_id): return for child in get_children(): var status := child.get_meta("status", -1) match status: 0: active_nodes.erase(child.name) child.set_color(SUCCESS_COLOR) 1: active_nodes.erase(child.name) child.set_color(INACTIVE_COLOR) 2: child.set_color(ACTIVE_COLOR) _: child.text = " " child.set_status(status) child.set_color(INACTIVE_COLOR) func _is_same_tree(instance_id: int) -> bool: return str(instance_id) == beehave_tree.get("id", "") func _get_connection_line(from_position: Vector2, to_position: Vector2) -> PackedVector2Array: var points: PackedVector2Array from_position = from_position.round() to_position = to_position.round() points.push_back(from_position) var mid_position := ((to_position + from_position) / 2).round() if horizontal_layout: points.push_back(Vector2(mid_position.x, from_position.y)) points.push_back(Vector2(mid_position.x, to_position.y)) else: points.push_back(Vector2(from_position.x, mid_position.y)) points.push_back(Vector2(to_position.x, mid_position.y)) points.push_back(to_position) return points func _process(delta: float) -> void: if not active_nodes.is_empty(): progress += 10 if delta >= 0.05 else 1 if progress >= 1000: progress = 0 queue_redraw() func _draw() -> void: if active_nodes.is_empty(): return var circle_size: float = max(3, 6 * zoom) var progress_shift: float = PROGRESS_SHIFT * zoom var connections := get_connection_list() for c in connections: if not c.from in active_nodes or not c.to in active_nodes: continue var from := get_node(String(c.from)) var to := get_node(String(c.to)) if from.get_meta("status", -1) < 0 or to.get_meta("status", -1) < 0: return var line := _get_connection_line(from.position + from.get_connection_output_position(c.from_port), to.position + to.get_connection_input_position(c.to_port)) var curve = Curve2D.new() for l in line: curve.add_point(l) var max_steps := int(curve.get_baked_length()) var current_shift := progress % max_steps var p := curve.sample_baked(current_shift) draw_circle(p, circle_size, ACTIVE_COLOR) var shift := current_shift - progress_shift while shift >= 0: draw_circle(curve.sample_baked(shift), circle_size, ACTIVE_COLOR) shift -= progress_shift shift = current_shift + progress_shift while shift <= curve.get_baked_length(): draw_circle(curve.sample_baked(shift), circle_size, ACTIVE_COLOR) shift += progress_shift func _update_layout_button() -> void: layout_button.icon = VERTICAL_LAYOUT_ICON if horizontal_layout else HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT_ICON layout_button.tooltip_text = "Switch to Vertical layout" if horizontal_layout else "Switch to Horizontal layout"